Common carp, Neemgold, Cyprinus carpio, Toxicity, Fingerlings.Abstract
Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a medicinal plant of containing diverse chemical active substances of several biological properties. In the present study, the toxic effect of Neemgold to the fingerlings of Common carp Cyprinus carpio was evaluated. The aim of the present work was to study the toxic effects of Neemgold on the total protein, total carbohydrates, amount of cholesterol and sterols. The LC50 of Neemgold was estimated by Static renewal method. The Neemgold was 0.002ml/l, 0.0018ml/l, 0.0016ml/l, and 0.0014ml/l at 24h, 48h, 72h, and 96h respectively. The fish exhibited erratic swimming, loss of equilibrium, copious mucus secretion and hitting to the walls of test tubs prior to mortality while exposing long duration. During the present investigation we observed significant alterations in the total protein, total carbohydrates and amount of cholesterol and sterol contents in the tissue of Cyprinus carpio exposed to Neemgold. These results indicate that Azadirachtin exposure to the fish caused toxic effects.
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