
  • F. Rahal Laboratoire des Sciences, Technologie et Génie des Procédés, University of science and technology of Oran, Algeria
  • N. Benabadji Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Application des Rayonnements, University of science and technology of Oran, Algeria
  • M. Bencherif Laboratoire de Mécanique Appliquée, University of science and technology of Oran, Algeria
  • M. M. Bencherif Département de Génie mécanique, National Polytechnic School of Oran - Maurice Audin, Algeria


Air quality ;, Carbon monoxide;, Electrochemical sensor, Microcontroller, APOMOS


In Algeria, the alternative to the absence of these air pollution measurement networks can come from the recent development of electrochemical sensor technologies for air quality monitoring which arouses a certain interest because of their miniaturization, low energy consumption and low cost.

We developed a low-cost outdoor carbon monoxide analyzer called APOMOS (Air pollution Monitoring System) based on electrochemical sensor managed by microcontroller. In order to validate the APOMOS system, the recorded measurements are compared with measurements taken by a conventional analyzer.

Comparison of the measurements resulting from conventional analyzer and those resulting from the APOMOS system gives a coefficient of determination of 98.39 %.


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How to Cite

RAHAL, F.; BENABADJI, N.; BENCHERIF, M.; BENCHERIF, M. M. DEVELOPMENT OF A LOW-COST OUTDOOR CARBON MONOXYDE ANALYSER APPLIED TO THE CITY OF ORAN, ALGERIA. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 3, p. 1495–1510, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 feb. 2025.


