
  • M. Ladjel L. R. H. A. E. Université de Bejaia, Algeria
  • M. Madani L. R. H. A. E. Université de Bejaia, Algeria
  • M. M. Madani Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Department of ecology and Environnmental Technologies
  • O. Adjissi L. R. H. A. E. University Mira A., Bejaia. University Mohamed Boudiaf- Msila, Algeria
  • O. Mimeche L. R. H. A. E. Université de Bejaia, Algeria



Watershed, Rainfall, Runoff, ETR, Climate.


The problem of estimating the flow of wadis is of actuality, given the complexity of its genesis, especially on small and medium watersheds. At the level of large basins, river flow, like precipitation and evaporation, is climatic. Local peculiarities, such as pedological, botanical, hydrogeological and morphometric, have a great influence on the flow formation. This makes it possible to differentiate the total flow into two climatic and local components. The spatial variation of the climatic flow follows faithfully that of precipitation and evaporation. Then, it is a question of analyzing and identifying the influence of local factors, indirectly related to the climate, on the local flow, within the framework of horizontal and vertical zonality. The objective of this research is to determine the main factors that affect the local component of the flow and the settlement between it and these factors. This methodical approach allows the estimation of the flow of ungauged watersheds.


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How to Cite

LADJEL, M.; MADANI, M.; MADANI, M. M.; ADJISSI, O.; MIMECHE, O. METHODICAL APPROACH FOR THE ESTIMATE OF FLOW WADIS FROM THE NORTH OF ALGERIA. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. 1086–1098, 2019. DOI: 10.4314/jfas.v11i3.3. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2025.


